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Thursday, August 30, 2012

SoundCloud Voices

SoundCloud Voices:
SoundCloud Voices is a weekly Community feature focusing on new spoken word creators found on SoundCloud. It might be a podcast, radio show, audio book, interview, audio messages, a poem, anything! Keep an eye out every Thursday for a new post.
You may or may not know that SoundCloud’s head office is based in Berlin.  With staff moving from all over the world to Berlin there is always the topic of learning German.  Luckily we can all learn a little easier now that Deutsche Welle’s Learn German podcasts are on SoundCloud!  So if you ever wanted to get to grips with basic vocabulary, listen to the news in German at a slower pace, or get your ‘word of the week’, then this podcast is your route to German fluency! Or at least a step in the right direction!
Firstly, Wort der Woche, or ‘Word of the Week’. Up your vocab game here!
Want to listen to the news in German, but can’t keep up with the standard speed of a news reporter? Then Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten might help. It’s Deutsche Welle’s news read in German, but at slower.
Another of the Deutsche Welle’s podcast modules is Alltagsdeutsch – audio features on every day topics out of Germany. For example, why your Opa and Oma (Grandpa and Grandma) would start using Facebook.
There’s plenty of other content on the account so start following Deutsche Welle – Learn German and get a regular stream of the audio good stuff.
If you are interested in trying out SoundCloud as a spoken word podcast platform, you can sign up for via this form. Successful candidates will be emailed with further details.

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